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Editorial Lessons Of 911 Lost On Americas Protesting Youth

## Editorial: Lessons of 9/11 lost on America’s protesting youth As a reminder of the sacrifices made by those who lost their lives, Americans should honor the 21st anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks. It's also an opportunity to think about how far the nation has progressed since that terrible day, and how certain events could set it back. Young protesters who disrupted a moment of quiet remembrance at Ground Zero last week appear to have missed important lessons from the events of 9/11. The protesters were ostensibly there to draw attention to the effects of climate change, but their actions ended up doing more harm than good. Their refusal to allow a moment of silence for the victims and their families was disrespectful, and their loudspeakers made it difficult for others to participate in the ceremony. The protesters' actions illustrated a disturbing lack of understanding of the significance of 9/11. Some of them may not have been old enough to remember the attacks, but they should still be aware of the significance of the event. The 9/11 attacks were not just the aftermath of a senseless act of violence. That day was a watershed moment in American history, one that forever altered the way we think about the world and the threats we face. The attacks were an affront to the country's values of freedom, democracy, and tolerance. They were also a stark reminder of the importance of unity in the face of adversity. The protesters' actions were a disservice to the memory of the victims and their families. They also served as a reminder of how easily division can be spread and how crucial it is to maintain solidarity in the face of adversity. America is still dealing with the consequences of climate change. However, there are better ways to raise awareness of the issue than to interrupt a commemoration for the innocent people who perished on 9/11. The young demonstrators that day should have given careful consideration to their conduct. They missed a valuable opportunity to honor the victims and their families while also educating themselves about the significance of 9/11. Consider the following advice if you're thinking about joining a demonstration in the future: *Think about the message you want to convey. *Be respectful of the event you're attending. *Make sure your actions do not cause any harm or disrespect to others. *Remember that exercise your right to free speech, but avoid being disruptive or disrespectful. Please take some time on this anniversary of 9/11 to reflect on the significance of the day and the sacrifices made by so many. We must never lose sight of the ideals that unite us as a nation, and we must always defend the values for which so many have fought and died.
